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Black Magic Woman

Black Magic Woman

Before Black-ish creator Kenya Barris left ABC Studios to pursue a lucrative Netflix endeavor, he cemented a deal to reboot the popular 1960s sitcom, Bewitched, about a witch who marries a mortal — this time featuring an interracial blended family.

Black-ish writer and producer Yamara Taylor will also be involved in the development of the new series, in which Samantha is a hardworking Black mother, who just happens to have magical powers. The rebooted Darren is white — and a bit of a slacker — who struggles along with Samantha to work through their personal differences, in a world that (still) doesn’t treat women and men or Blacks and whites equally. Despite all of her amazing powers and strong work ethic, Samantha must grapple with the reality that her somewhat lazy husband gets all the respect.

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